donderdag 7 oktober 2010

Blog about my new home

Dear reader of my blog,

This week I had a very bussy week. We had a lot of homeword and also I have monday the key of my new home. I am living in Wamel till next week from then I live in Utrecht at the Cremerstraat. This week we did some painting and this sathurday we are gonna lay down my laminate floor. I am very content with my new room I have painting one wall grey and the other ones white.
I hired this home for myself. This home has three sleepingrooms and a kitchen, bathroom and livingroom. The other two sleepingrooms do I rental to two other students. We live in this house with three people.

This was my blog I hope you like it and you hear from me when I am in my new house.

Yours faithfully,
Kiki Janssen

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