donderdag 30 september 2010

Business meeting

Hello I’m the personnel manager

Our colleagues from the head office want to know more about who does what at the company and how the different subsidiaries work.
I don’t like it that the magazine is only in Spanish and English because the pie charts show only a minority of employees speaks these languages. I hope we can change this.
I would prefer a much less glossy publication of this magazine. I want to have more real news and articles in simple language about the everyday lives of ordinary employees.

I think one page a magazine should be in the local language so that could be German or French.

And we have to remove all the pictures of the president.

woensdag 29 september 2010


Dear Sir / Madam,

In the letter you've sent, you asked for a brochure. Unfortunately I must inform you that I have the brochures of 2010 can not send.
This is because they are not ready. Our excuses for the inconvenience.
I have checked your website. Following visits to your website, we would like some services.
We offer the following services. The complete facelift of your website, up to date on the website and changing the overall design.
Our company is also engaged in editorial work.

I hope I've informed you enough. If you are interested I hear this very much.

For further information you can contact us.

Yours faithfully,

kiki janssen
Phone number: +31613062990

dinsdag 28 september 2010

Letter of enquire

Dear  Mister/Miss,

I am a student from the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the Professional University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. I found the EFL course for international students that you gave, on the website of the City College Manchester.
I am a student from the Faculty of Communication and Journalism. I am studying in the first year. Before this study I did the study Wellness and Lifestyle that was a study with sport and nutrition. My English is not very well I had two years English on the study Wellness and Lifestyle we must do some presentations and workshops in English. It was hard for me because I do not dare to speak English.
I hope this study can help me to make English easier for me. I do like English very well.
I look forward to hear from you.

Yours Faithfully,
Kiki Janssen.

Memo assignment


To:                  All Staff
From:              Communications Department
Date:               13 September 2010
Re:                  Memo for the Super Sports Day

Dear Colleagues.
The reason I write this memo is because of the Super Sports Day we want to organize with all of our Dutch and American colleagues. Yesterday we had a meeting with the management and we talked about the arguments for the Super Sports Day and we want to know what you think of our arguments.
We want to organize the Super Sports Day because we think it’s good for the team building and because sport is good for everybody.
The ideas for this day are:
-          A soccer tournament
-          A obstacle course
-          Basketball match
-          Beach soccer
-          Beach volley

We hope you like or ideas and send us a memo back with some more ideas and suggestions.

Yours faithfully,

Kiki Janssen
From the communication department.

E-mail assignment

Subject:                  Dresscode

Dear colleagues,

We are really content about the way everybody do their job. The Princess Hall Theatre is growing up to a nice and a chic place.
But the reason I am sending you this email is because there have been some complaints from or clients. The complaints are going about the dress code of the staff. You know that we have rich and famous people on our gold dinner. Those people don’t like the way some colleagues dress themselves. 
Now we have a question for all of you because we want that everybody feels happy in their clothes. We want to hear your opinions. Now our question for all of you is will you send us a email with the dress code witch  you like on gala dinners, business events, seminars and conferences. We like to do something about the dress code and we hope that you have also this enthusiasm.
We hope that you will send us this email back in two weeks.

We hope you understand that we are doing everything to make or clients happy.

Tanks for you support.

Yours faithfully,
Kiki Janssen

dinsdag 21 september 2010

My third blog

Dear reader of my blog,

It's hard for me to write something for my third blog. I had a very bored weekend. I made a lot of homework and going to a birthday.
Thursday I went out with some classmates. We were going to Filemon that's a bar near by "De Dom". It was nice to went out with my classmates. At that way we've get to know each other better. I slept by Rosan because my room is not ready. I look forward to having my own room.
Next weekend I will go to crazy, sexy, cool that is a houseparty in Rotterdam at the "Maassilo". Also I will go to a motorrace at Valkenswaard and I have a birthday from my brother.

This weekend was a very bored weekend and next weekend will be a very busy and nice weekend.

I look forward to write my next blog.

Yours Sincerely,
Kiki Janssen

maandag 13 september 2010

My weekend

Dear reader of this blog,

I wanna tell you something about my weekend.

I live in Wamel that's a small village near by Tiel. This weekend there was a fruit parade at Tiel. It's like carnaval. Everybody is building a nice car made of fruit and seeds. It's nice to see them ride at the parade. Thousands of people come to Tiel to look at the fruit parade. This year also came prince Willem-Allexander and princess Maxima to Tiel to look at the fiftieth fruit parade.
Also there is a festival names "appelpop". It's the biggest free festival of europe. Many famous artists come to Tiel and entertain twenty-five thousand people.
A few examples of artists who performed: Blof, Di-rect and Carol Emerald.

I was at this great festival. It took two days. Fortunately we had very good weather.

I look forward to "Appelpop" 2011.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Greetings Kiki

maandag 6 september 2010

My first blog

Dear reader of this blog.

In my first blog I want to tell something about myself to introduce myself. I'm Kiki Janssen and I'm 20 years old. I live in Wamel that's a small village near by Tiel. I have one brother his name is Tim and he is 27 years old also do I have a sister her name is Tonki and she is 25 years old. I live by my parents and next month I will move to Utrecht to my own student room. I will tell you something about my hobby's. I'm a big fan of motorcycles. I like to ride them or look at them. Also I go to motorraces to look at the fastest rider.
I love many kind of sports. I also work at a fitness company. I give sport instructions and food tips to people who want to lose weight or want to get a better condition. The name of my function is personal coach for sport and food. I really like my job.
Before this study I did the education "Wellness and Lifestyle". I learned to gave sportmassage, relax massage, to give sport instructions and to make a diet.
My spell checker doesn't work so I hope I did the spelling right by myself.
I hope this was a good blog and I look forward to write the next one.

Yours faithfully,
Kiki Janssen.