maandag 7 februari 2011

Post one: My first half year at the HU

At August 30, 2010 began the lessons from business communication. The first half year was quit an experience. I do like it very well. This half year was also a busy time.

It was a hard first half year for me. I came from MBO and thats less difficult then HBO. I have to spend a lot of time for school. I like the assignment that we have to do. The assignment I liked the most was the assignment where we have to make a movie. We had to choose a childbook and we have to make a movie of that book. I liked that very much. I love the practical courses.

This block we have a lot of theoretical courses. I think that is very boring and I hope that next block will be more interesting. To finish this block I have to do a lot of work. I hope I will finish this block and year with good results. When I have the same results as the blocks before. Then I will not finish this year.

At the last block we have to do a lot of practical assignments I think I like that the most. We have to make a magazine and a website. That is also difficult to make, but I like that very much so then it is less difficult.

It will be a hard year for me but I hope I will make it. I will do my best.

Top tip: Make a good planning then you will have less stress at the rest of the year.

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