dinsdag 8 maart 2011

Where do I see myself in five years?

In five years I will be 25. I hope that I have gratuated in five years. After this course I will go working because I did a course before this one and I think that 25 is a beautifull age to stop with studying. I would like my dreams come true. I want to live in America for a few years. My boyfriend is a very good motor racer. In America he can achieve more than in Holland. We want to do a few years everything for his sport. After that we want to go working for a motor race team in Holland or in America. But it is hard to say how long we want to stay in America because we do not know how life in America is like.
With the course I do now I can do a lot of things at a motor race team. Corporate communication is very important for the teams. They need to have sponsors, advertisement and a good communication between riders and trainers and also with other teams. This is a wild dream of me and I hope this dream will come true.
If this not will happen I want to do go working for a motor race team in Holland. But we want to do everything to make our dream come true. But first I want to finish my course because than I can do the communication for racing teams.

maandag 28 februari 2011

Blogpost 2: Living in Utrecht

At the beginning of the training, business communication I lived in Wamel. Wamel is a small village near by Tiel. The connection between Wamel and Utrecht by train or bus is very bad. I had to go by bike and ferry for 10 km to Tiel and there I took the train to Utrecht that takes a lot of time. The ferry is also many times out of service because of to high water. In October 2010 I moved to Utrecht. It was hard to find a nice room. With a lot of luck I qualify for a nice home. I live now in a large townhouse which I sublet to two other girls. We have a beautiful home. I think its luxury to live as a student like this way. A nice home with a big living room, three sleeping rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, garden and roof. We live nearby the center of Utrecht. It’s a nice and quiet neighborhood with a lot of plants and threes.  The advantages of living in a student room are that I don’t have to travel so far and I have a lot of freedom. The disadvantages of living in a student room are that I have to clean my home by myself and I live far away from my family.
But when I want to visit my family I’ll sleep a day with my parents.

maandag 7 februari 2011

Post one: My first half year at the HU

At August 30, 2010 began the lessons from business communication. The first half year was quit an experience. I do like it very well. This half year was also a busy time.

It was a hard first half year for me. I came from MBO and thats less difficult then HBO. I have to spend a lot of time for school. I like the assignment that we have to do. The assignment I liked the most was the assignment where we have to make a movie. We had to choose a childbook and we have to make a movie of that book. I liked that very much. I love the practical courses.

This block we have a lot of theoretical courses. I think that is very boring and I hope that next block will be more interesting. To finish this block I have to do a lot of work. I hope I will finish this block and year with good results. When I have the same results as the blocks before. Then I will not finish this year.

At the last block we have to do a lot of practical assignments I think I like that the most. We have to make a magazine and a website. That is also difficult to make, but I like that very much so then it is less difficult.

It will be a hard year for me but I hope I will make it. I will do my best.

Top tip: Make a good planning then you will have less stress at the rest of the year.